


We have some bad news for homeowners. According to a recent five-year, five-continent study by entomologists, the average home has over 100 different species of bugs residing within its walls. This includes even the cleanest of households. The fact is, you probably see very few of them, but they are assuredly there and may number into the thousands or even worse. One thing you can be sure about—many of them, perhaps even hundreds, are spiders.

Spiders are technically arachnids, not insects. The main differences are that they have only two parts to their torsos and six or eight eyes, whereas insects can have several body segments and have only two eyes. Most are venomous, and some are deadly. They are predatory carnivores, and are incredibly smart, even cunning by nature. If you've watched one from across the room, you can bet that it is watching you right back. If that gives you the creeps, you are not alone. Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias in the world.

If you happen to live in West Virginia, you have good reason to be an arachnophobe. The climate is perfect for spiders, and populations are thriving, both inside and outside the home. There have been confirmed sightings of 21 unique species within the state, and there are probably many more yet to be discovered.

Venomous species include Orb Weavers, Wolf, Jumping, and Prowling Spiders; however, the most dangerous one common to West Virginia is the deadly Black Widow. Specifically, it is the female Black Widow that you need to worry about, as the males are not toxic. Female’s bites are very painful and will require medical attention, or they may be fatal.

Identifying the Black Widow is relatively easy. They are about a half-inch in length, shiny and black, with a distinguishable red hour-glass figure on the abdomen. Although they are typically shy and nonaggressive towards humans, they do love to hide in the garden and shrubbery around the home, and they also love clutter. They often find their way into homes as they are attracted to the other insects inside your home that we mentioned—a tasty meal for the voracious Black Widow. Bites commonly occur when you come upon them by accident.

You may have heard that some spiders common to your home do not pose a serious threat and may even be beneficial in keeping those other insect populations under control. While this may be true under some circumstances, most people are not particularly comfortable having them in their home. When one of those species could be a Black Widow, experts will advise you not to take chances with your family's security and well-being. Black Widows have also been known to kill pets. Your dog or cat cannot tell you if they've been bitten, and by the time you realize something has happened, it may already be too late. To protect your home and family against spider issues, your best bet is to engage an expert's services.

Whenever you need us, Enviro-Tech Pest Services can help. We are the leading expert at dealing with spiders, including the Black Widow, serving Charleston, Huntington, and the areas in between. We can thoroughly inspect your home and outdoor living areas and put an effective plan in place to protect you from potential threats, now and in the future. Not only will we eradicate your pest issue, but we will also give you your peace of mind back. So, don't hesitate—give us a call today.

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